Anabolic substances have well-documented effects on body composition.
They enhance lean body mass and diminish fat mass.
Low testosterone levels have been associated with increased fat mass.
Some studies indicate that administering anabolic substances can decrease fat mass.
At The Anabolic Clinic sm , you may qualify to receive anabolic substances if you are overweight or obese.
However, before treating you, it is possible that we will require you to attempt weight loss following a program developed by Dr. Applebaum's fitness consulting firm FitnessMed, Inc.
This determination, whether to treat you with anabolic substances or place you on a weight loss program, will be made following your interview.
If you are referred to FitnessMed, Inc., you will be expected to complete a weight loss program lasting at least 6 months and possibly longer depending on your condition at the outset.
Interview fees are non-refundable. If this is unacceptable to you, do not submit the questionnaire or other material to us or schedule an interview at The Anabolic Clinic sm.
At FitnessMed, Inc., you are not a patient of Dr. Applebaum's since fitness and natural weight loss do not involve the practice of medicine.